Handicapped Interface

Handicapped Interface

Handicapped Interface


Accessibility refers to a chief factor which identifies Maneuvering power of a computer systems. To define accessibility must note that a system has to work properly regardless of whom is using that. Mentally challenging individuals and hearing ones always face problems when it comes to technology. Therefore, offering a solution seems mandatory.

This project focuses on designing and executing a system which acts as a link between a physically challenging individual and a computer system in order to substitute the mouse function with the face of that person. This software with the assistance of the computer webcam, replaces face recognition with the mouse tool for whom (i.e. handicapped,) not to be able to use that. To do so, it utilizes key points of the face and sends commands to computer system. For instance, one of these key points can be placed at the tip of the nose and a nod will define an action (i.e. turning the page or scrolling).

Various researches present different methods to identify the key points of a face. Beside these methods, neuro networking especially conventional networks is so popular. Due to ability and capability of neuro networks, two type of inputs can be used for such a system: firstly, using the raw image in the domain of pixels. Secondly, utilizing the calculative specifications as an input form. At this project, raw image is used as an input to the network.

After recognizing the key points, assigning the actions can do the job done. For example, right eye’s winking may define cursor moving, while left eye winking may do the clicking action and so on.

There are numerous advantages of using this software. As such, high speed performance and instant face recognition can be listed. Furthermore, it can be used with a simple webcam and its user friendly capability surely is one of a kind. Beside its advantages for challenging people, it can create jobs for programmers and designers. Also it may create a network for physically challenged ones.

This project is recommended due to technology development and its usage spread, especially when it comes to physically handicapped ones. With its simple link, it assists people with less ability to create a space for them to be active in social and conventional environments.

To accomplish the project, required phases are as below:

1.Research and design

     a) methods of face recognition b) methods of connecting links for physically challenged ones 3) concept designing of software

2. Algorithm implementation for face key points recognition

     a) A.I algorithm implementation b) The algorithm teaching c) test and optimization

3. Algorithm implementation for detecting the situation of key points

4. User link implementation